Young Judging

The young judges competition is an event for judging that offers significant personal and professional opportunities as well as the ability to network with and learn from industry leaders. Our youth are the future of our industries and our communities and  it is imperative that we foster the development of judging skills and knowledge of young alpaca enthusiasts to ensure a selection of experienced judges for future alpaca shows.

The participating age range for young judging competition is 15 to 25 years. This is the age range that is used nationally at shows within Australia by all other livestock societies offering Young Judging competitions. Developing skills such as public speaking, gaining personal confidence, creating interest and skills in agricultural careers, provides a great platform for young people to become involved in the alpaca industry.

Progression through the parader program leads onto our young judges competition where our youth are taught a more in depth method of appraising animals and judging them for particular traits, weighing up advantages and placing animals as a AAA halter judge would. It is not a requirement that our young judges become AAA halter judges however it is a great opportunity if a desired pathway.  This section of the youth program is worked very closely with the AAA Showing and Judging Committee.