The AAA has a variety of publications, from magazines, research and general content.
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The Queensland region of the AAA works to promote the alpaca industry and educate members and the public on the world of alpacas.
The South Queensland & Northern NSW Region of the Australian Alpaca Association (AAA QLDNNSW) is the only one to span two states.
The Victoria Central region comprises alpaca producers from central to western victoria.
The Victorian Eastern Region (VER) represents over 140 registered alpaca breeders and owners located in the east of Victoria. The Victorian Eastern Region covers a geographically diverse area.
The NSW is a vibrant and exciting region with over 500 registered alpaca breeders across the state.
Tasmania’s cool temperate climate and green pastures are the perfect combination for producing fine fleeced, eco-friendly alpacas.
Western Australia are one of the larger AAA geographic regions, and host a membership of over 120. WA members excel in breeding both huacaya and suri alpacas and contributing to the fleece and meat market, while maintaining an impressive display of show and breeding quality animals.
The South Australia region provides education and training to its members as well as providing a hub of alpaca information for the general public interested in the industry.
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The AAA has a variety of publications, from magazines, research and general content.
Jane Vaughan, Mohammed Rashid and Abdul Jabbar
September 2018
Alpacas are increasingly popular as a commercial livestock species due to their soft, light and fine fibre, lean meat and hides as well as their ability to adapt to diverse climatic conditions across Australia. The health and productivity of alpacas can be compromised by gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs), resulting in substantial economic losses. Although Australia has the largest alpaca population outside South America, very limited information is available on the GINs of Australian alpacas.
The present project aimed to (i) assess the worm control practices used by Australian alpaca farmers, (ii) determine the prevalence of GINs of alpacas in various climatic zones in Australia and (iii) undertake field efficacy studies to determine the status of anthelmintic resistance in GINs of alpacas. The novel information generated in the project aims to help Australian alpaca farmers and veterinarians in controlling GINs of alpacas.
This report is about the scientific and technical information available on the quality, testing, processing and performance of rare natural animal fibres. It summarises results of Australian investment on these topics, and makes recommendations about future investment.
The report is aimed at fibre producers, fibre processors, industry organisations, investment decision makers, students and researchers
RIRDC Publication No 11/150
October 2012
This RIRDC report describes the research conducted as part of the alpaca colour genetics project to identify the genes involved in the inheritance of white colour in alpacas. Three approaches were used (Mendelian, physical and genetic) in an attempt to unravel the mystery surrounding colour inheritance in alpacas.
This project has successfully identified key mutations in genes that lead to differences in fibre colour in alpacas. Other genes, which play a role in colour variation in other species, were cleared of involvement in colour variation in alpacas. Through extensive observational analysis a model for Mendelian inheritance of the major colours was developed. In combination, these findings provide breeders with information that allows them to make informed colour breeding choices.
Kylie Munyard 2011
19 Dec 2011
Bruce McGregor
This is a technical report on the production, quality, processing and performance of rare natural animal fibres. It summarises results of Australian investment on these subjects and makes recommendations about future investment. This is important as there is limited scientific understanding of how to improve productivity, quality and financial returns for these industries in Australia.
Dr Bruce McGregor
There is currently debate amongst alpaca breeders, particularly those actively involved in showing, and especially for those who exhibit Suris, regarding the relationship between show
ring rules and commercial processing requirements for fibre length.
Kylie Munyard , Johan Greeff
Some alpacas maintain fine fibre throughout life, while others suffer from significant coarsening of fibre as they age, a trait known as micron blowout. Micron blowout results in reduced productivity, through reduced yield of high quality fibre over the life of an animal.
Data from a well-established alpaca herd in Peru was used in a complex quantitative genetics analysis to determine if genetics plus environment, or environment alone was responsible for micron blowout in alpacas. This project has shown that micron blowout has a moderate heritability in alpacas, and that selection against micron blowout would be successful in reducing the extent of the problem.
Claire M Kershaw-Young, W.M. Chis Maxwell
Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) such as semen cryopreservation, artificial insemination and embryo transfer can have significant economic impacts on livestock industries. These technologies enhance the production of improved offspring via the introduction of superior genotypes, maximise the use of genetically superior males and control contagious diseases within flocks.
In camelids, which include alpacas, llamas, vicunas, guanacos, bactrian and dromedary camels, the development of ARTs has been hindered by the unique reproductive physiology of this species.
The findings of this research project are aimed at camelid breeders, researchers including reproductive physiologists and camelid scientists, artificial breeding centres and veterinarians.
D. Blache, S.K. Maloney
In the animal industry, castration is a valuable management tool, but it can be a source of concern from an animal welfare perspective. The existing standards for castration that have been developed for other livestock species, even the new standards, cannot be applied to alpacas because of the specific morphological and developmental characteristics of the alpaca. The best method to castrate alpacas is still being debated amongst animal protection groups, producers, animal scientists, and veterinarians. Each group has opinions about which method(s) could address their specific concerns, but a consensus is yet to be found.
The present project aimed to validate a standard method of castration for alpacas that could be recommended to either veterinarians or alpaca producers, and would be acceptable in welfare terms.
B.A. McGregor
This is a technical report summarising activities to improve the knowledge about rare natural animal fibres in Australia, including aspects of their production, fibre quality, and textiles made from these fibres. It summarises results of Australian investment on these subjects, and makes recommendations about future investment. This is important, as there is limited scientific understanding of how to improve productivity, quality and financial returns from these industries in Australia
Tamara Biffin, Dr Melanie Smith, Dr Russell Bush, Dr David Hopkins
Rapid growth within the Australian alpaca industry has increased interest in alpaca meat as a viable alternative to traditional fibre production. This has driven research into alpaca meat eating quality as a means to deliver a consistently high quality product to market. Recent studies have focused on post slaughter components such as carcase and muscle composition, salable meat yield, suitable processing techniques and product ageing. Such research has been fundamental in establishing a framework for the development of a competitive alpaca meat market.
This research was conducted to address the knowledge gaps in the areas of seasonality, transport and lairage stress and combined processing treatment effects on alpaca meat quality to maximise quality and efficiency throughout the alpaca meat supply chain.
The recent survey of suri owners conducted by the Board and SJC, in regard to fleece length for showing. The survey was conducted by AnnMarie Ashton Wyatt, who carried out the analysis on a pro-bono basis. The contribution of AnnMarie is greatly appreciated. the full survey report can be accessed below:
Australian Alpaca Veterinarians
The Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Sheep and Cattle were endorsed by the
Commonwealth of Australia in January 2016. The aim was to establish fundamental obligations relating to
the care of sheep and cattle in Australia. Concurrently, the Australian Alpaca Veterinarians, a Special
Interest Group of the Australian Veterinary Association, has compiled a code of welfare for alpacas and
llamas in Australia to set out in detail minimum standards and recommendations relating to all aspects of the
care of camelids.
The basic premise of the document is to ensure that alpaca and llama owners and managers maximise
welfare of camelids in their care by meeting the following criteria:
(a) Provision of food and water of suitable quality and quantity to sustain physiological needs, good
health and vitality;
(b) Allowing camelids to display normal behaviours including social contact with other camelids, grazing,
grooming (dust baths), and the freedom to move about if confined in yards;
(c) Protection from predation;
(d) Protection from disease, including disease that can be exacerbated by management;
(e) Protection from extremes of climate, natural disasters and atmospheric contaminants;
(f) Protection from pain, suffering and injury;
(g) Provision of handling facilities which under normal usage do not cause injury and which minimise
stress to camelids;
(h) Placing sound welfare practices ahead of financial gain;
(i) A willingness to seek assistance from skilled and competent people such as veterinarians to meet
the above criteria.
Turning a blind eye to a poor welfare situation and failing to provide care and/or humane euthanasia in an
attempt to attain another fleece at the next shearing, or another cria from a pregnant female is not
acceptable practice.
D. Blache, J. Vaughan, S.K. Maloney, J.T.B. Milton
The quality and quantity of alpaca fibre is affected by not only the body condition and nutrition of the animal but also by season and sex hormones. These factors can interact with the genetic potential of each animal to such an extent that they can mask the true genetic value of an animal.
This RIRDC report provides scientific data that can be used by producers, consultants to the industry, and feed manufacturers to design more appropriate diets and feeding strategies that will allow the industry to make genetic progress because these management procedures will decrease the impact of nutritional and environmental factors on the expression of the animal’s genetic potential for fibre production.
Hack, W, McGregor, Bruce, Ponzoni, R, Judson, G, Carmichael, I and Hubbard, D 1999, Australian alpaca fibre: improving productivity and marketing – a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, RIRDC,
A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
by Jane Vaughan
July 2002
RIRDC Publication No 02/097
Ahmed Tibary A B E , Alexis Campbell A , Jacobo S. Rodriguez A C , Agustin J. Ruiz D , Cristian Patino A and Michela Ciccarelli A
Published: 8 January 2021
Llamas and alpacas are important production animals in South America, with increasing interest in other parts of the world. Poor reproductive efficiency combined with several unique anatomical and physiological reproductive features offer challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in camelids. This review presents an approach to the clinical investigation and common causes of infertility and subfertility in the male and female. The selection of males for breeding should be made based on complete evaluation to eliminate congenital and possibly hereditary disorders. Common disorders of the male reproductive system include testicular hypoplasia, testicular and epididymal cysts and testicular degeneration. Semen evaluation presents some challenges owing to the viscous nature of the ejaculate in these species. Females should be screened for congenital genital defects before breeding. Causes of subfertility in the female are dominated by ovarian and uterine disorders. A systematic clinical approach and the use of endometrial biopsy and advanced techniques, such as laparoscopy, allow early identification of these disorders. Further research is needed for continued understanding of the reproductive pathological processes in these species.
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