Fleece services

Alpaca Classers

To be registered with AWEX a wool classer must have completed and passed a recognised training course in woolclassing/wool preparation (Certificate III or IV).  If they have also completed the alpaca modules, they are alpaca stencilled classers.

By registering with AWEX, an alpaca stencilled classer is agreeing to abide by the Rules of Registration.  Bales bearing a registered classer’s stencil are declared by the classer to be prepared to the Standard declared in the Code of Practice.

The Code of Practice is one component of the AWEX System. Classers that prepare lines that significantly fail one or more of the criteria will be subject to corrective action processes.

Registered classers that prepare lines at or above the COP standard will apply a registered classerID (stencil) to the bales.

Name Alpaca Stencil Wool Stencil 2020 AWEX Status State Email
Gregory Bush 698752 954685 Paid NSW max.greg@bigpond.com
 Robert Carter 598757 871775 Paid  WA Rob.Carter@srtafe.wa.edu.au
Gail Forsyth  998755 255672 Paid  NSW gailforsyth@ymail.com
Julie-Ann Hockings  498753 858991 Paid  QLD juliehockings@activ8.net.au
Stuart Marshall  198759 182990 Paid  TAS fsmarshall@bigpond.com
Andrew Munn 298754 759124 Paid VIC info@acalpacas.com
Noel Reid 398758 181320 Paid  NSW noelreid@bigpond.com
Diane Boede  798756 n/a   VIC paul_di@bigpond.net.au



Wool Classers Awaiting Alpaca Module Completion

Name Wool Stencil Location 2020 AWEX Status Email
Keryn Burns 183321 NSW Paid kerynburns@gmail.com
Christopher Hvass 183443 NSW  Paid chris.hvass@gmail.com
Lionel Tomich 182722 NSW  Paid lionelshome@gmail.com
Mick Williams 186327 NSW Paid storybookalpacas@gmail.com


Fibre Tesing

Micron Man
9/28 Salpietro St, Bibra Lake WA 6163
(08) 9418 1733
New England Fibre Testing
Australian Wool Testing Authority

70 Robertson St, Kensington, VIC 3031,
Phone:  (03) 9371 4100


Australian Alpaca Fibre Testing (AWEX accredited)

(AWEX accredited)

Janet Bell

AAFT 39 Henry Street, Sheffield TAS 7306

 0437 421640


Riverina Wool Testers


12 Cheshire St, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650

Phone 02 6925 1407


Southern Tablelands Fibre Testing

Kim Cartwright

accredited by AWEX

