Australian Alpaca Association Strategic Plan 2019-2024
In November 2018, the Directors of the Australian Alpaca Association Limited (AAA) decided it was time to re-evaluate the AAA Strategic Plan. The purpose of the strategic review was to reassess, determine and prioritise the current strategic direction (strategies) of AAA to ensure environmental factors are addressed and stakeholder needs are met in line with AAA’s key objectives.
Regional Presidents and AAA directors met at the AAA Council Meeting in February 2019, where the strategic framework was discussed and set for the next five years. This timeframe will ensure strategies meet the current needs of members and that associated activities linked to the strategies could be measured and delivered in a timely manner.
As we look to the future there are a number of issues important to our industry and the association in general. These need to be addressed and appropriately planned for and were identified during the strategic planning process. Some of the more important ones are:
- Ensuring an environment for a modern and innovative industry that meets the requirements of the next generation through technological advancements.
- Continuing to add value by improving our member service offering to retain and attract a desirable membership base.
- Raising the profile and awareness of the Australian alpaca industry.
- Maintaining a strong commercial focus.
- Continuing an ongoing commitment to improving animal health, welfare and husbandry.
- Establish strong external partnerships and advocates on behalf of industry.
- Recognise, respect, communicate and engage with our valued volunteers.
Three strategic priorities were set, and under these priorities, a range of strategic goals and actions:
- Markets – To develop customer driven markets
- Peak Body – Develop an effective and efficient industry structure, corporate governance, sound financial viability and always displays strong leadership.
- Engaged Membership – Ensure that the AAA is engaging and consulting with its members, communicating opportunities and encouraging participation
There is a great opportunity to build for the future. The achievement of the AAA Strategic Plan will, however, only succeed by all stakeholders having the determination and resourcefulness to overcome the challenges that face the industry. We need to face the future with a greater spirit of teamwork, determination and passion for what we do, and aim to improve the commercial viability of our industry. No doubt, we can do all these things with the support of all stakeholders.
What will success look like?
- The alpaca industry is more productive, resilient and competitive.
- There is effective industry leadership and advocacy on all matters impacting the industry.
- Markets are developed providing members with outlets for the sale of their fleece and animals both domestically and internationally.
- Fibre shearing, collection and classing is standardised with Australia seen as a world leader in this area.
- Opportunities for export to several countries.
- Members feel valued and part of a growing industry.
- The industry is well prepared and equipped to respond to disease/pest incursion.
- Investigation and voluntary uptake of an effective traceability system which supports market access, surveillance and emergency disease response needs and demands.
A successful and sustainable alpaca industry in Australia.
To grow the alpaca industry into one that is recognised as a sustainable and profitable agricultural enterprise for current and future farmers through building domestic and international customer-driven markets & supply chains for Australian alpaca livestock, fibre and meat.
Strategic Priorities
- Markets – To develop customer driven markets
- Peak Body – To develop a strong peak body, with a professional structure, corporate governance, sound financial viability and displays strong leadership at all times.
- Engaged Membership – Ensure that the AAA is engaging and consulting with its members, communicating opportunities and encouraging participation
1. Markets
1.1 Fleece
A market for every member and every fleece.
- Encourage breeders to access potential markets and collaborate with other breeders.
- Encourage breeders to get fleece out of sheds and into markets.
- Promote domestic markets.
- Overseas trade missions to open and develop international markets working closely with Austrade and the Department of Agriculture.
- Standardise shearing standards for Shearers and promotion of shearer employment.
- Continued development of classer licensing and training and promotion of classer employment.
- Continued pre-classing education and training for members.
- Advocate support of additional domestic scouring facilities.
1.2 Animal Sales/Genetics
To promote higher volumes of animal sales.
- Increased accessibility to international markets through overseas trade missions and working closely with Austrade and the Department of Agriculture.
- Promotion of industry to new members.
- Promote sales between existing breeders.
- Foster commercial industry through establishment of commercial (non-stud) registry – separate from breed register.
1.3 Meat and Hides
Increased utilisation of alpaca meat in restaurants and smallgoods industries.
- Training future chefs, restaurant owners and AAA members in unique attributes of cooking alpaca.
- Promoting health attributes to the wider community.
- Monitor potential for development of hide market.
- Investigate wider development of meat and by-product market.
- Encourage breeders to access potential markets.
2. Peak Body
2.1 Governance
Strengthening and enhancing regional development.
- Review of regulations including constitution.
- Foster strong relationships between regions and with the national office.
- Training and support of regional committees to do their role.
2.2 Funding
Explore new avenues of funding to decrease reliance on membership fees and to ensure long term viability of company.
- Increase national animal registrations.
- Impose small levy on fleece and animal export sales facilitated by AAA.
- Pursue government grants and commercial sponsorships.
- Return a profit on national show to reinvest in promotion of the industry.
- Avoid duplication of costs at a regional level.
2.3 Research and Development
Extend focus to include commercial and scientific R&D projects with a view to the continuity, viability and sustainability of the alpaca industry.
- Solicit R&D project proposals covering commercial and scientific areas satisfying specified criteria.
2.4 Health, Welfare and Biosecurity
Foster improved animal welfare, biosecurity awareness and compliance within the industry.
- Review QAlpaca biosecurity program.
- Awareness programs for animal health, welfare and biosecurity.
- Continue NLIS investigation.
- Ongoing assessment of priority diseases and pests and potential risk to the industry.
- Industry biosecurity plans are current.
2.5 Industry Advocacy
Continue to raise the profile of the Australian alpaca industry.
- Showing leadership in national and state forums to influence government policy.
- Strengthen relationships with other livestock peak bodies.
- Strengthen government relations through political strategy.
- AAA Board and Executive have a strong advocacy role in national and state levels.
2.6 eAlpaca
Continually improve the benefits of eAlpaca.
- Investigate and develop potential international opportunities.
- Investigate and develop an additional commercial register.
- Regular meetings with designer to facilitate eAlpaca updates.
- Promoting effective compliance and integrity systems and ongoing monitoring of system integrity.
2.7 Communications
Open lines of communication maintained between AAA and stakeholders.
- Member newsletter.
- Review of social media strategy.
- Regional updates to Board.
- Website upgrade.
- Industry communication systems demonstrably effective.
2.8 International Relations
Increase profile of Australian alpaca industry internationally.
- Leadership in establishing an international alpaca federation.
- Closer ties with New Zealand.
Engaged Membership
3.1 Education
An enhanced education, training and awareness program to address member needs.
- Audit of existing materials and training courses to develop new materials for member use, capable of being accessed electronically.
- Develop consistent package of training tools for regional use to include youth, shows and events.
- Promoting case studies that demonstrate the benefits of good practice.
- On-going training for members in eAlpaca.
3.2 Youth
Complete integration of youth state groups into the Alpaca Youth Education framework.
- Youth memberships promoted.
- Ensure youth membership is encouraged for all AYE events.
- Working with vulnerable people (WVP) policy adhered to for all AYE events.
- Examine regulations regarding ties between regional committees and youth groups, as well as governance of state youth groups.
- Promote a culture of collaboration.
3.3 Shows and Events
Affirm the place of showing and events in industry development.
- Standard Operating Procedures for all Showing and Judging tasks.
- Train new up judges to join the ranks of Australian Judges.
- Improve judge training with documented form of standard assessment.
- Convenor and show Steward training revised and refreshed.
- Creation of international judge training program in Australia.
3.4 Membership Services
Promote benefits of membership to the alpaca industry.
- Document value proposition for AAA membership at each category of membership.
- Investigate range of services to benefit members.
3.5 Recognition of Member Contributions
Recognition of volunteer contributions at all levels.
- Life membership.
- Certificates of appreciation.
- Pro-forma letters of thanks for regions to distribute.
- “Industry friends” program, driven by regional committees to celebrate contribution.
3.6 Harmonious Membership
Membership in harmony.
- Encourage positive interaction between members.
- Codes of Conduct understood and accepted by all members.